Patent Newz Box
When innovations get funny
TThe world of patent law is not always filled with high-stakes battles over cutting-edge technology. Sometimes, patent disputes erupt over surprising products or take unexpected turns, leading to humorous outcomes. Here are two examples:
The Inflatable Monkey Lawsuit: In 2009, a company called Party Time Products found itself in a legal battle with Microsoft over the design of a decorative inflatable monkey. Party Time claimed Microsoft's "Happy Birthday" emoji infringed on the patent for their inflatable ape holding a balloon. While the design similarities were debatable, the lawsuit itself, involving a tech giant and a party favor, garnered significant media attention. The case was ultimately settled out of court, with the details remaining confidential, leaving the world to wonder about the fate of the inflatable monkey and its impact on the emoji world.
The Case of the Square Pizza: In 2003, a small pizzeria in Ohio found itself embroiled in a legal battle with Domino's Pizza over the shape of a pizza. Domino's had obtained a trademark on its rectangular-shaped deep-dish pizza boxes. The small pizzeria, known for its square pizzas, argued that the trademark should not prevent them from selling square pizzas in round boxes. This seemingly frivolous lawsuit highlighted the complexities of trademark law and the potential for unexpected disputes over seemingly common shapes. The case was eventually settled, with Domino's agreeing not to interfere with the pizzeria's square pizzas as long as they were not sold in rectangular boxes.
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