Role of Patent Illustration : An art of Patent Draftsman, in Patents.

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Role of Patent Illustration

PATENT rules the world in terms of intelligence and business profits but, patents are being ruled by PATENT DRAWINGS , in most cases.

An unambiguous drawing is worth thousands of words and a simple representation is enough to give a visual form of the patent description. Patent drawings are not just a drawing but it is a visualization of your invention. They aid in understanding the invention better and in fact, high quality patent drawing is the best way to represent the invention disclosure.

A high-quality patent drawing paves the way for:

  • Improving the chances of Patent Grant
  • Eliminating the need for office Action


If the submitted Patent drawings clearly defines all the features  of the invention, they make the examination process faster by giving a clear view of the invention.

During prosecution / examination of patent application, the patent drawings plays a vital role to differentiate the invention from others by clearing defining the novelty of the design / invention.
There is always a mismatch of understanding the invention between inventor, attorney and examiner but the good patent drawings eliminate the mismatch and connect them into a dot that leads to a grant of patent application.
Drawings must comply with all the standards framed by the patent office.
From examiner point of view, high-quality patent drawings make the invention clear and thus aids in granting the Patent easily.


Ø Mainly office actions occur due to:

  • Fails to clearly illustrate the claimed part;
  • Lacks/improper shading and consistency;
  • Lack of Improper margins;
  • Insufficient views;
  • Not showing all the features;
  • Improper/missing numerals;

Ø To avoid such office actions, patent drawings should be illustrated by considering all the requirement points.

Ø If the specified requirements are met by the illustrated drawing, the office action will be eliminated.

Ø Thus, giving a high weightage to patent in terms of grant.

Utility and Design patent illustrations:  

Elements and dimensions used in Patent Illustration:

When the invention is clearly illustrated in high quality following the patent standards, the probability of getting patent grant is high.

  • A Professional Patent illustrator, who has Knowledge in Patent Drawing Standards & Good imagination is the right choice to get the high-quality patent drawings by complying with drawing standards.

For high quality Patent Drawings, please contact us: email: / Mobile: +91 822-000-7279.

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