What is Intellectual Property?

Intellectual Property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, like inventions, literary works, designs, symbols, and names used in business or commerce. It's essentially anything intangible i.e. not physical, that results from your creativity and intellect. Think of it as ownership of your ideas and expressions.

Intellectual Property, which is often shortened as IP, refers to creations of the mind, like inventions, literary works, designs, symbols, and names used in business or commerce. It is essentially anything intangible i.e. not physical, that results from your creativity and intellect. Think of it as ownership of your ideas and expressions.

Intellectual property, very broadly, means “legal time-limited rights which is an outcome of intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary and artistic fields”.

Intellectual property is to promote, as a deliberate act of government policy, creativity and the dissemination and application of its results and to encourage fair trading which would contribute to economic and social development.

There are primarily four different types of IP:

Why Bother with IP?

Whether you're an individual creator, entrepreneur, or part of a large company, protecting your IP can offer several benefits:

Whether you are an individual creator, entrepreneur, or part of a large company, protecting your IP can offer several benefits:

Do you need to protect all your creations & IP? Not every idea needs formal protection. But if you have invested time and effort into creating something unique and valuable, and you plan to use it commercially, then seeking appropriate IP protection can be a wise investment. It is always wise to consult with an IP expert or an IP lawyer to understand your specific needs and options.

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