Microsoft patents Smart fabric recognizing objects, touch input

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Microsoft files patent application for ‘Smart fabric’ that recognizes objects and touch input

The tech giant Microsoft filed a patent application for smart fabric in a jeans pocket. The fabric is embedded with layers of connected sensors that can recognize an object or gesture. The patent also details the development of data processing circuitry. It can receive, process and transmit data from the smart fabric. (Source- thenextweb)


Sports Data Labs receives a patent covering its novel SaaS-based real-time remote health monitoring and biofeedback system

Sports Data Labs patent on “Biological data tracking system and method” facilitates collection, analysis and distribution of data from any number of sensors and sensing systems including wearables, into a single system for real-time health monitoring and biofeedback. The patent will provide SD Labs with exclusivity in the U.S. until February 2039. (Source- businesswire)


Sony files patent application for ‘Helper Mode’ in spectated video games

Sony filed a patent application for a special system that would allow streamers and their spectators to interact with the scope of the game they’re playing and watching, respectively. The so-called “Helper Mode” would essentially allow the viewers to assist players in real-time. (Source- gamerant)


NODAR receives two patents for camera-based 3D vision technology for autonomous vehicles

NODAR received two patents for its non-rigid stereo vision system, which uses computer vision to automatically calibrate multiple cameras and produce the high fidelity 3D information required for self-driving vehicles to navigate. The system synchronizes all cameras to rectify images even as camera positions shift when cars are in motion. (Source- azorobotics)


Everything Blockchain files patent application for ‘EBI Blockchain Drive’

Everything Blockchain filed a patent application for EBI Blockchain Drive (EB Drive). EB Drive is a blockchain-enabled ransomware solution that will empower enterprises to protect themselves against the threat posed by the ever-increasing problem of ransomware attacks. (Source- businesswire)


InDex Pharmaceuticals receives patent for cobitolimod in Europe

InDex Pharmaceuticals received a new method of use patent for the drug candidate cobitolimod from the European Patent Office (EPO). The patent provides additional protection for the use of cobitolimod in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. The patent will provide an exclusivity period until August 2040. (Source- prnewswire)


Walmart files a patent application that combines driverless technology with delivery drones and robots

Walmart’s patent application proposes using drones to deliver in the air when obstacles arise on the ground. Walmart would use automated guided vehicles (AGVs) that follow a predetermined route. But if they run into any obstacles, they would automatically release a drone to complete the delivery. The patent filing described drones as the “back-up mechanism” in cases in which deliveries using AGVs don’t go as planned. (Source- freightwaves)


GOBEL receives patent for ‘Gratitude’ machine learning predictive models

Gobel received a patent on its innovative Gratitude to Give™ (G2G) predictive modeling which is 4-5 times more likely to forecast who will give as compared to traditional wealth screening models. G2G is the first AI-fundraising model that identifies signs of gratitude by analyzing affinity and experiential data rather than wealth data alone. (Source- globenewswire)


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