Patent Newz Box – Wearable in Healthcare

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Wearable in Healthcare

Sony patents new headset with motion-sickness alert features

soranews24 | Sep 27, 2018

Sony’s new patent relates to an extremely complex future model for their VR headset that includes features such as eyeball tracking, moisture and heart-rate sensors and even a gyroscope. The multitude of sensors in headset can track for changes in the health profile of the player, warns the user about the adverse effects on their body rather than rectifying anything about the actual motion sickness.

IBM files Block chain Patent to tackle privacy and security concerns for Drones

cointelegraph | Sep 21, 2018

IBM has filed a patent application relating to a system that would use blockchain tech to tackle privacy and security concerns for drones. This patent states that a blockchain system can provide effective techniques for managing data related to a UAV particularly when a security risk level is considered to be relatively high.

Toyota patents design for Flying Car With Rotor Blades

interestingengineering | Sep 26, 2018

Toyota has recently filed a patent for a flying car which has rotor blades emerging from its wheels. This patent states that if a person in the vehicle wishes to fly, his vehicle can be into flying mode. This will make the wheels of the car move upwards on struts and from the wheels will pop out rotor blades which presumably provide enough lift to get up and away.

Patent Infringement suit on Apple over iMessage and FaceTime encryption technology

fonearena | Sep 28 2018

Finnish holdings firm MPH Technologies has filed a fresh lawsuit on Apple in federal court accusing the company of patent-infringing with products including iMessage and FaceTime. The firm filed the lawsuit asserting eight patents relating to secure messaging solutions, targeting existing Apple software and services. This specially infringes on IP related to sending and forwarding messages over a secure connection.

Bank of America files patent for Multiple Digital Signatures using Distributed Network

usethebitcoin | Sep 28, 2018

Bank of America (BofA) has filed a new patent to adopt multiple digital signatures on a distributed network. The patent describes a system for data communication management from internet-connected devices. This system automatically determines which devices are communicating with other entities and also inform the type of data that is being shared with third parties.

Walmart files patent application for shopping cart that would track your stress levels

businessinsider | Sep 27, 2018

Walmart has filed a patent application relating to a shopping cart that would track things such as shoppers’ heart rates, temperatures and how strongly they’re gripping the handle. This data is used to figure out whether shoppers are stressed and when they might need help.

Samsung’s new patents reveals the secrets of Foldable Galaxy

tomsguide | Sep 25, 2018

Samsung’s new patent awarded by WIPO reveals some of the technological tricks that may be used on its upcoming foldable Galaxy phone. This patent describes a way to use an electrically activated locking mechanism that will “solidify” the physical state of the flexible display of the phone.

EPO and Chinese IP office sign bilateral co-operation plan

epo | Sep 25, 2018

The EPO and the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA, formerly SIPO) have agreed on a co-operation programme for next year as part of their long-term strategic partnership on strengthening the patent system. The plan focuses on areas such as patent law and patent examination guidelines, examination quality, data exchange, classification, search tools and machine translation, and also foresees a joint study on computer-implemented inventions.

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