Patent Newz Box – Jun 30,2018

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Walmart patents Blockchain


Walmart patents Blockchain for medical records

hitinfrastructure | June 22, 2018

Walmart has obtained a patent for storing patient information on a healthcare blockchain that can be accessed via a wearable device. This system will allow medical care personnel to access a patient’s vital medical records as well as medical information before the patient arrives at a particular facility.

United States Issues Patent Number 10,000,000

uspto | June 19, 2018

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has issued U.S. patent number 10 million. This proves the strength of American Intellectual Property system dating back to the first U.S. patent, signed 228 years ago by George Washington on July 31, 1790.

WIPO plans to allow member nations to delegate patent scrutiny powers

businesstoday | June 20, 2018

WIPO has proposal to permit countries to outsource their patent examination duties to patent offices of other countries. But the Civil society groups fear that the move could undermine the flexibilities offered under the TRIPS Agreement of World Trade Organization for adopting differential patentability standards by developing and least developed countries.

PBoC seeks patent for digital wallet for tracking crypto transactions

coingeek | June 28, 2018

The People’s Bank of China (PBoC) has filed a new patent for a digital wallet that people can use to track their cryptocurrency transactions. The patent describes a digital wallet that offers multi-signature security, managing encrypted digital assets with private keys. The wallet will track the transaction data with the help of a “centralized digital currency issuance registration agency.

Facebook patents ’emotion detecting’ selfie filters

mashable | June 29, 2018

Facebook’s new patent describes a system that identifies an emotion and based on the emotion, it selects a mask from a set of masks. The “mask” is Facebook’s preferred term for the selfie filters that add animations to your face.

Apple petitions U.S. Patent Office to invalidate four Qualcomm patents

9to5mac | June 21, 2018

Apple has filed petitions with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to challenge four of Qualcomm’s patents. The patents being challenged involve ways to automatically focus a digital camera; a device that functions as both a phone and personal digital assistant; touch-sensitive displays; and circuit memory.

Ford files a patent for voice-controlled power seats

cnet | June 26, 2018

Ford has applied for a patent for voice-controlled power seats. This system would replace the old modus operandi with a touchscreen, a microphone, and the user’s voice. A controller would look to voice and the touchscreen and initiate single-axis movement upon receiving a certain trigger.

Intellitronix Files Patent on Weapon Detection Robot

globenewswire | June 28, 2018

Intellitronix, a wholly-owned subsidiary of US Lighting Group (OTC:USLG), has announced that it has filed a patent for a weapons detecting robot utilizing the Promobot LLC robot.

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