Patent Newz Box – Oct 23,2017

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Blockchain - Registry of IP rights


Blockchain – Registry of IP rights

IPwatchdog | Oct 9 , 2017
Bitcoin is opening a new door for musicians and athletes to issue digital tokens in exchange for money. The tokens are validated by blockchain, a public ledger used for the authentication of digital currency transactions, and backed by copyright, trademark or other IP assets. This area of digital currency will be gray until the SEC steps into a more active role in the next few years.

Future cars with plastic structure – Hyundai

auto.ndtv | Sep 20 , 2017
Hyundai has patented a CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced plastic) front end for new cars that would help greatly reduce weight by replacing materials like steel from components like cross-members and body pillars.

Stanford leads global innovation pack

globaluniversityventuring | Oct 09 , 2017 
The UK-based news agency, has released its annual ranking of the top 100 most innovative institutions across the world and recognized Stanford University as the top achiever for the third year running

Pat-INFORMED, an online global gateway to medicine patents

IPwatchdog | Oct 3 , 2017
WIPO and International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA), signed an agreement establishing the Patent Information Initiative for Medicines, Pat-INFORMED which will act as a global gateway to medicine patent information.

Google spends $1.1 billion on parts of HTC’s smartphone division

variety | Sep 20 , 2017
Google made a deal with Taiwan-based HTC to acquire parts of the latter’s smartphone division, and license HTC’s patents on a non-exclusive basis. And several HTC employees, including engineers and designers, are going to move to Google. A lot of these staffers previously collaborated with Google on building the company’s Pixel original Pixel phones.

IAM ROBOTICS’ innovation paves the way towards full warehouse automation

mmh | Sep 27 , 2017 
The patent specifies a system and method for piece-picking or put-away with a mobile manipulation robot. The patent focuses on the underlying system and methods for the Swift Solution Suite, which powers IAM Robotics’ world’s-first mobile picking robot. This technology enables their robots to autonomously navigate human-friendly environments, identify the location of objects, and pick individual items or bins.

Microsoft modern keyboard – fingerprint sensor key

windowslatest | Oct 8 , 2017
Microsoft patent explains a fingerprint sensor integrated directly into the keyboard keys instead of having a separate key for the fingerprint sensor. This would match the other keys and is not visible from the surface of the key.

Indian Patent Office and WIPO agreed to facilitate data exchange

outlookindia | Oct 10 , 2017
The pact covers cooperative activities for the improvement of IP (intellectual property) business services, including projects for digitization, data capture and data quality improvement, data exchange for the dissemination of IP information, and document management.

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