Patent Scientist – a new age career for Engineers & Science Graduates

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Welcome to the world of Inventions, Intellectual Property and Patents. Today the world is driven by innovations and cutting edge technologies. These innovations are transforming the way we think and live.


In recent decades, the most successful businesses were created by technology innovators such as Bill Gates of Microsoft, Larry Page of Google, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and countless others. They are the first-generation entrepreneurs and the richest men in the world.

So, was it their innovations and inventions that made them the most successful and richest men in world? Yes, but not without protecting their ideas and inventions through Patents. IP and Patents help in protecting an idea and invention and open avenue for a profitable business.

Patent Scientist is a new age career involving researching of Patent and Scientific Information. Patent Scientists help organizations and individual inventors in protecting their ideas and inventions.

Invasion of Inventions!

In olden days, countries believed in conquest of land and cattle as they were the only source of prosperity. Later trade attacks happened such as Britain did not do a war to rule in India but they conquered through a so-called trading company i.e. East India Company. Now times have changed, technology and innovation have entered almost every aspect of our lives. So how do you protect your interest in this fiercely innovative world. Well the answer is PATENTS.

Every invention in this world gets patented. Every country has its own patent office. Around the Globe, every year around 2 million patents are being filed. More than 10 million patents are in force in the world. In US alone 750 patents are granted each day.

Big Wars! – Apple I-Phone Vs Samsung Galaxy; Novartis Glivec Vs State of India – Billions fined for infringing and millions spent in the trial. This huge money and business uncertainty can be avoided if a competent Patent Scientist was involved in the pre-patenting process.

The countries are not just fighting for protection of land alone but more and more protection of Intellectual Property as well. World has definitely changed and the new soldiers are Patent Scientists.

Who is a Patent Scientist?

Patent Scientist or Patent engineer is a technology expert with knowledge of patent law and patent application process. A patent engineer or patent scientist is a professional who has scientific or engineering background, a deep understanding of specific technology and a broad understanding of intellectual property law framework.

Patent Scientist give technical expertise during invention evaluation deals with patent prosecution, including doing background research, drafting the patent specifications and giving technical expertise during invention evaluation.

Why Patents & me?

Getting patent and protecting it is as important as inventing. Protecting an invention by way of patenting is similar to protecting borders of a country from enemy’s invasion. In modern age of science and technology, invasion happens through inventions. As an Engineer and Scientist, you can play a great role in the patent economy.

Am I qualified?

Most patent scientists hold at least a bachelor’s degree in a scientific or engineering discipline, with many holding advanced degrees such as Ph.Ds. or M.Ds. Patent scientists and Patent engineers often pursue either patent agent qualification (in India) and/or attend law school to become patent attorneys later. If you have done BE or M.Sc. or M.Phil. or PhD in Engineering or Science, you are qualified

30 years back, when Narayan Murthy, Azeem Premji and likes dared venture into IT services, it was civil and mechanical engineers who thrived. But then came a time, irrespective of what engineering one studied ended up largely into IT jobs, that gradually started becoming highly paying and rewarding.

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